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作者:钟宝强    新闻来源:本站原创    点击数:12819    更新时间:2015-5-19         ★★★



     洛阳外国语学校始建于1960年, 其前身是洛阳地区行署直属子弟中学,是经河南省教育厅批准,国家教育部首批备案的全国22所“合格外国语学校”之一,是河南省唯一一所具有小语种保送资格的中学。




近两年中高考捷报频传,接连创造辉煌。2014届初三毕业生是两校融合后招收的第一届学生,该届学生有679人参加中考,郑煜衡被西安交通大学少年班录取,有4名学生进入全市中招成绩前十名,630分以上学生达15人,590分以上学生达98人,360分以上学生达647人,普高上线率达95.5%。市各科总平均分由合并前的外国语学校31名、市33中的41名,上升到2014年的第6,人均494.53分。各单科平均分排名由2011年的最后一名43名,上升到2014年最后一名第13名,其它各科平均分均在前10名内。2013年第一届外语实验(状元)班学生崭露头角,高考取得辉煌成绩,一本上线率超过50%,二本95%以上,三本100%,其中张黎明、高鲁欣两位同学分别获得洛阳市高考文理外语单科状元。引领我校高考全面进入洛阳市前三组团、前24星。2014届高考稳中有升,一路高歌,持续辉煌,依然位居前三组团、前24星。2012级学生更加优秀:在洛阳市全市统考中,我校文理全面丰收,在几所省、市级示范性高中的综合评比中,前10名我校入围6名,其中2012级前5名均被我校学生获得;外语实验 (状元) 班学生在外语考试中表现突出,常常脱颖而出,目前,有6人次在洛阳市大考中获得单科第一名,8人次冲进全市总分前30名。


五十年的风雨历程,洛阳外国语学校独树一帜的教学风格,铸就了特有的文化内涵。先后获得“全国合格外国语学校”、“洛阳市示范性高中”、“洛阳市规范化初中”、“洛阳市高中学校管理优秀单位、“高中教育教学工作先进单位”、“洛阳市高考优胜单位、 “初中目标管理先进单位”、“洛阳市文明单位”、“洛阳市文明学校”、“河南省优秀家长学校”、“国家教师科研基金十一五规划重点课题研究单位”、“河南省电化教学先进集体”、“河南省五四红旗团委”等诸多荣誉称号,2011年经洛阳市教育局批准成立洛阳外国语学校教育集团,为学校未来的进一步快速跨越式发展提供了有力的平台。在市教育局领导及社会各界朋友的关心支持下,在以专家型校长段华松为核心的管理团队和全校教职员工的共同拼搏努力下,洛阳外国语学校已成为现代化一流、国际化超前、特色化突出的品牌名校。


School profile

Luoyang foreign language school, founded in 1960, its predecessor is Luoyang administrative region directly under the secondary school children, is approved by the Education Department of Henan Province, one of the first national Ministry of education for the record of the 22 "qualified foreign language school", Henan Province, the only one with small language recommended qualification of middle school.

The school campus is located in nine road No. 76, school is divided into: high school, high school, junior high school international has 99 classes, 300 faculty members, students in more than 5000. Existing school special teachers, senior teachers in more than 90, 44 provincial and municipal excellent teachers, provincial, municipal teaching expert 15 people, the national, provincial, municipal backbone teachers and 76 people, returned exchange access scholars 43 people, with postgraduate qualifications 65 people, served as a foreign teacher 46 people, existing foreign teachers, 4; have advanced and complete teaching facilities.

School of advanced education philosophy as the guide, focus on the cultivation of "qualified + specialty" outstanding students, the founder of "standard + characteristics" of the brand culture, highlighting the characteristics of foreign language schools; arts and long, noble international talents. School hired foreign teachers, practice English, Japanese Teaching in small classes, the national foreign language school teaching material in common use, the introduction of large amounts of the original teaching materials and courseware, lets the student feel the authentic English; and the creation of Japanese at the beginning of high school, Korean, Russian as a second language selected courses, the students of foreign language competence. Bilingual teaching is one of the characteristics of our school, in this regard, the school has feasible scheme, set up a bilingual teaching studios and teachers team, and the hierarchy, a full range of training. At present, can be competent for bilingual teaching of teacher nearly 70 people, they can not only write a specification language, a high standard of bilingual teaching, and teaching smoothly and is welcomed by the students of bilingual classes. The school has developed a national college entrance examination in Henan Province Foreign Language Billing Division champion eight, Luoyang City arts champion four, more than 3000 students were admitted to the country at all levels of colleges and universities. School for ten consecutive years was awarded the "Luoyang City high school education and teaching target assessment of advanced units", "the university entrance exam winning unit" and "junior middle school education teaching target assessment of advanced school" honorary title.

The past two years in the college entrance examination results, one after another to create brilliant. 2014 session of junior middle school students is the two schools merged to recruit students in the first session, the session of the students have 679 to participate in the examination, Zheng Yuheng was admitted to the juvenile class of Xi'an Jiaotong University, there are four students in the city's results to recruit top ten, 630 points or more students up to 15 people, 590 points or more students reached 98 people, more than 360 students of 647; high-school on-line rate of 95.5%. All departments of the city the total average score by the merger of the former foreign language school 31, 33, 41, rising to 2014 of the six, per capita 494.53. The Billing Division of the average points ranked by 2011 and finally a 43, rising to 2014 last a 13th place. Other subjects average are in the top 10. In 2013 the first foreign language experimental (Champion) students to come to the fore, college entrance examination achievement, a line rate more than 50%, two of the more than 95%, the 100%, which Zhang Liming, high rukhin two students were obtained in Luoyang City liberal arts college entrance examination English Billing Division champion. Lead me to the school entrance entered Luoyang in the first three groups, the first 24 star. The 2014 college entrance examination steadily, singing all the way, continue to brilliant, still in the top three, the first 24 stargroup. Students of the class of 2012 to be better: in Luoyang city's examination, my school of Arts full harvest, in the comprehensive appraisal of several provincial and municipal model high school, the top 10 in our school finalists six, which before 2012 five were students in our school; foreign language experimental (Champion) classes of students in foreign language examination with outstanding performance, often come to the fore, at present, there are 6 people in Luoyang City exams obtain Billing Division of the first, 8 people rushed into the city's total score in the top 30.

Exchange partner and around the schools to carry out extensive international cooperation and exchange, has with the world 20 and the school became sister schools. Public school 21 teachers to the United States, Britain, Japan and Canada and other countries for a period of one year of exchange visits, 235 English major students, 72 Japanese students in batches to the United States and Japan communicate learning; 40 high school students get Japan International Communication fund, exchange center sponsored a full scholarship to study in Japan, and won five South Korean University authorized by the Korean grade exam training base; 2010 years by the Provincial Department of Education approval, the school and Canada jointly launched high school double major international high school classes and in international projects. School students to go abroad to continue to broaden thechannels, has become an important window of the school in Luoyang city to carry out international exchanges offoreign.

The history of fifty years, Luoyang foreign language school become an independent school teaching style, created a unique cultural connotation. Has won the "National Qualified Foreign Language School", "Luoyang model school", "Luoyang standardization," junior high school "Luoyang city high school management, outstanding unit"high school education teaching work advanced unit "," Luoyang City, "junior high school entrance winning unitstarget management advanced unit", "civilized unit of Luoyang city", "Luoyang City School of civilization", "HenanProvince excellent parents school", "the National Teachers' scientific research fund eleven five key planningresearch unit", "Henan province teaching advanced collective", "Henan Province five four red flag League" and other honorary titles, 2011 approved by the Luoyang Municipal Bureau of education education group was established in Luoyang foreign language school, the school of the future for further rapid leapfrog development provides a powerful platform. In City Bureau of education leadership and social friends from all walks of life care and support, the expert principal Duan Huasong core management team and school staff in common and hard work, Luoyang foreign language school has become a first-class modern, advanced internationalization, features prominent brand elite.



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